by Simone | Oct 24, 2017 | Business
INSIGHTS WHY YOU SHOULD ONLY USE THE SERVICES OF A QUALIFIED ACCOUNTANT REGISTERED AT AN APPROVED CONTROLLING BODY A quite regular question that we as professionally qualified and registered accountants in practice receive, when dealing with both old and new clients,...
by Simone | Sep 26, 2017 | Business, Cloud Accounting
INSIGHTS DOING BUSINESS WITH YOUR HEAD IN THE CLOUD AND YOUR FEET FIRMLY ON THE GROUND – PART 1 Prepared by: Reinier Duraan (Director MMS Group Cape Town) Many accountants and users of accounting software are still using the same software which they have been using...
by Simone | Sep 26, 2017 | Business
INSIGHTS IMPORTANCE OF CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS & CASH FLOW REVIEW Prepared by: Paul Botha (Managing Director at MMS Entrepreneurial Services) During a recent site visit and review of current systems at a potential new client I noted that one of the main...
by Simone | Sep 20, 2017 | Business
INSIGHTS SMALL BUSINESS PRODUCTIVITY If paperwork, such as invoices and receipts easily pile up in the office of your business, or if you spend your valuable time getting all your invoices and receipts recorded, with the possibility of human error, or use time of your...